Ubuntu 12.04 Server下安装Tomato编译环境
在一台刚安装了Ubuntu 12.04 LTS的干净服务器上,为了搭建交叉编译环境,还需要确认以下软件包都已经正确安装。
Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Server (LTS)
必须安装的软件包,通过 ‘apt-get install’ 安装。
- ia32-libs ( ctools needed )
- g++
- make
- automake-1.10
- automake-1.13
- automake-1.14
- autoconf2.63 or above
- libtool
- pkg-config
- bison (not bison++)
- libncurses5-dev
- libncurses5
- ncurses-term (mysql needs terminfo of libncurses)
- flex (iproute2 needed)
- texinfo (includes makeinfo used by gmp)
- perl
- gperf (libid3tag used, see Makefile.am)
- python 2.7.3
- Cython 0.15.1
- yodl (used by socat)
- docutils-common 0.10+ (used by aria2)
- python-docutils (used by rst2html)
- sphinxbase-utils sphinx-common python-sphinx (program sphinx-buils will be used by aria2)
- openssh-server ( for remote login )
- php5 (will install apache2)
- php5-dev