八月 26


Personal website: http://www.onv.cc/

Bitbucket git: http://bitbucket.org/hyzoom  or http://tomato.onv.cc.  It needed to manually add into development team.

Email:  bwq518@gmail.com

Paypal link: Use the Paypal donate button on the right side of this page.  Also you can donate me through Alipay. My Alipay account is weiquan.bao@gmail.com  .

Also you can donate to me with scanning alipay’s barcode.

I also hang out on various forums. Those that I visit most regularily:

Enshan BBS:  http://www.right.com.cn/forum  (In Chinese)

Its major thread is http://www.right.com.cn/forum/thread-126746-1-1.html

Linksys.org:  http://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?forums/tomato-firmware.33/ 


Usually I used the same ID  bwq518 at every BBS.


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